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Alchemy of Life
The Alchemy of Life is about how life as one comes together again in your own core. Discovering and honoring the gift of your life and developing your specific potential that is contained within. Alchemy of Life contains 2 parts. The Inner Alchemy forms the core, and the Alchemy of Life training forms the energy flow through the entire Life Projects method. Inner alchemy is a purely individual and inner path while the Alchemy of Life training is like a journey through your internal and external life using the various Life Projects components.
"I believe that the Alchemy of Life approach
better meets the needs of man and society today
than the old traditional forms of spiritual education."
Taoist Master Cheng Yu Ming.
Alchemy of Life - Training
The Alchemy of Life training first takes you on an inner journey where you map your current condition and underlying your true potential. Each of the 5 elements has a functional aspect of life. How are the elements that are comprehensive present in you and where do you cut yourself off from the nourishment of the great Mother Earth and the great Father, the Universe? You connect these elements to your core of life through awareness, meditation and energetic exercises. By awakening your core and consciously connecting with your body, soul and mind, a new stream of life will come into being that will have a positive effect on every part of your life. You will learn how to bring your external life back into line with who you really are. By becoming aware of what forces act on you daily and what the potential is of the part that you do not use, your life will become more complete, more fulfilling and happier.
Inner Alchemy - Training
Inner Alchemy is the art of forming a subtle life essence by bringing the 5 elements, the light of heaven, nature and earth together in your place of origin. Brewing your own magical elixir of life. We use a unique 5-step training program for this, which is based on the essence of Eastern and Western Alchemy and forms a path to complete realization of your consciousness potential.