Alchemy of Bodywork - The Deep Dive into Practice - August 2021
Open to anyone who has already done “The Deep Dive initiations 1&2”, or has already done an Alchemy Of Bodywork training with us.
These classes will be on Zoom. It is recommended to be there live on the evening itself. If this is not possible, we will also send the recording of the lesson to all the participants.
Before every lesson you will receive a mystical text, narrated by Dirk, in which he inspires you about the topic that will be worked with. The intention is that you reflect on and feel about this theme. In the lesson itself, it is then discussed in more detail and it is integrated into bodywork (on yourself or someone else) and the Deep Dive state.
Alchemy of Bodywork is conscious touch coming from the intelligence that makes the ‘body-work’ with a very high level of perfection that expresses itself as ‘health’.
It is not about applying techniques attempting to touch this deeply hidden intelligent source of the body. It is a sinking into that source and expressing it in an appropriate way.
The ‘Deep Dive’ series we have launched last year has given many of you a profound experience of being truly IN the body by sinking through the darkness. But how do we apply this ‘Alchemic Touch’ on other bodies?
Our ‘Full Body Treatment’ and ‘Alchemy of Bodywork Essentials’ are perfect forms for this. Or for those of you who want to study more in depth this ancient art, we have the 5 ‘Alchemy of Bodywork training modules’. They teach students how nature is expressing this great yin source through the 5 elements.
Using the ‘True Earth’ as our foundation and ‘True heaven’ as our guide all dimensions of life are touched. All existing methods, techniques are naturally birthed from the source that the original parents hold for us.
And now we also want to offer you online ‘training sessions – Initiations’ that will help you to sink deeper into this source and express it naturally through touch.
The possibilities to express this source are limitless and each time unique. With the alchemical bodywork principles as basic tools, the method is created in the moment and without attachment.
Years ago we organised “bodywork practice evenings” in our training centre in Belgium. That was great fun. But times and certainly circumstances have changed and our bodywork students live all over the planet now. So, we want to introduce this online teaching format.
What can you expect?
- Sinking into the depths of a specific ‘Alchemy of Bodywork’ theme. This theme will be decided before and during the teaching, if it comes up spontaneously.
- Deepening and expanding the experience of the ‘Deep Dive’. I will go deeper in the bodywork part and not in the ‘Inner Alchemy’ part during these classes.
- An Initiation into the intelligence / consciousness field that I work with during my treatments and teachings. Since there is no time or space on that level, you can experience a lot of what I feel in your unique way. Knowing this source in your own experience is a great treasure.
- Starting to understand the language of this intelligence field we are using.
- I will start with some explanation, and then continue with some meditation and ‘Life Force Ritual’ movements. After that I will demonstrate the bodywork on another person. You can either look and feel, touch your own body and feel, or practice directly with another person.
Teachers during the training
Dirk Oellibrandt
Founder of Life Projects
Dirk is a traditional and at the same time modern alchemist. Free from the limitations of religion and the illusions of the world and with the power and freedom of the original spiritual wisdom.