HomecalendarworkshopsMeridian Chi Kung - 6 basic movements - introduction day
date(s) (Brussels time):
Sun, 02/12/2018 - 09:30 to 17:30
<div class="video-container"> <iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/vDpkkbb6q8g" width="560"></iframe></div> <p> </p> <p> <strong>Special edition with various Meridian Chi Kung teachers: on this day not only Dirk Oel
Meridian Chi Kung - 6 basic movements - introduction day
special edition
Special edition with various Meridian Chi Kung teachers: on this day not only Dirk Oellibrandt, the founder of MCK, but various teachers from Belgium and other countries will guide you through the exercises. A truly unique event to explore, to learn and to deepen this form of movement.
Dirk will share all his Knowledge and Experience regarding the 6 movements, in a way that even experienced Meridian Chi Kung practitioners will learn a lot.
Exercise is essential if we want to avoid overusing our body. Gentle movement forms such as yoga help the body regain its energy and keeping fit and help to heal it physically, mentally and spiritually. Always from a profound respect and esteem for your body.
Meridian Chi Kung is a series of exercises that stimulate the flow of energy in the meridians. Dirk Oellibrandt is the founder of this movement form. His body was his teacher herein.
The exercises are designed to initiate an energy flow that opens the meridian network and creates space internally. It is a playful and inviting form that gives joy to the body.
By doing these exercises regularly, you will feel that the external movements help you to feel the internal movements of your body. In that way, you can increase and improve your life energy significantly and the intelligence present in your body, will be able to show itself.
The movements are linked to the 5 elements (metal, earth, fire, water and wood) and the connected meridian couples. Moving within the elements in yourself, becoming familiar with how the various elements show themselves in you and developing the potential that lies therein. The alchemy process is started.
Moving “inside the elements" is not just exercising, training, or making beautiful movements. By being consciously, presently and silently in your movement, at the same time, both your body and mind change. The start of a new, conscious life in your body has begun.
The exercises are designed so that everyone can practice them in his own way. Regularly repeating the movements builds inner strength and awareness in the different dimensions, the physical body and the emotional, mental and spiritual dimension.
During this training we learn about the 5 elements and the 12 consequent meridians. We discover the 6 basic movements Meridian Chi Kung that open the body: metal, water, earth, primary fire, secondary fire and wood.
For whom is this training appropriate?
For anyone who wants to break free from fixed patterns and dogmas that unconsciously give shape and direction to your live in order to make room for new things and more conscious choices.
For anyone who wants to discover the true potential of its body through movement and wishes to cultivate it as a source of vitality and instrument for self-realization.
For anyone who feels tired and wants to regain its vitality.
For anyone who has physical discomforts and wants to support the recovery thereof. If you have any doubts whether your body could handle this workout, please contact us beforehand.
For anyone who wants to reconnect with his body in order to fully feel it again.
Please register at least 14 days in advance through the registration form below. So that we can make all practical arrangements in time in order for this training to take place.
This training is a mandatory component in order to certify as an Meridian Chi Kung Teacher - 6 basic movements or 18 movements, in Alchemy of Movement & Vitality, or to certify as a Life Projects Coach, but you can follow this training separately as well without certifying. For more information: Life Projects Academy
Teachers during the training
Dirk Oellibrandt
Founder of Life Projects
Dirk is a traditional and at the same time modern alchemist. Free from the limitations of religion and the illusions of the world and with the power and freedom of the original spiritual wisdom.
In our webshop we offer a comprehensive instructional video of Meridian Chi Kung, available as Download (HD).
This video production contains 18 Meridian Chi Kung exercises to cultivate your body according to the five elements.