Alchemy of Love - workshop for couples - March 2025
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The alchemy of love is an art. Almost everyone has experienced once or several times the alchemy between man and woman. But often we are blown away by the intensity of it and after a while, little or nothing of the love remains. Understanding the nature of being a man or woman, experiencing it and fusing the two, is a dynamic process where there are no guarantees, except love. A love that takes you to a different phase each time. Lots of couples lose themselves, each other, or the experience of love. Sometimes this is because their journey together is over, but often it's because you are no longer able to find the right path together.
The following topics are covered:
What is the alchemy of woman / man?
Discovering, together, where you both are now as an individual and as a couple, and where you want to go together.
What kind of relationship do we have: sexual / physical / emotional / rational / friendly / brother-sister or parent - child / therapeutic ... .. What is working and what is lacking?
Letting go of disturbing excuses, distractions, blaming each other,... and renewing the love in your relationship.
How to support and invite each other to sink deeper in love and truth together.
Introducing different ways to deeply cultivate your love.
What will you learn, what will it bring you, what is the purpose?
Alchemy of Love helps you to awaken the true potential of your relationship and to move your relationship to the next stage as a couple.
Many couples have discovered a new flow in their relationship through the lessons and the inspiring togetherness of Dirk and Katrien. Sometimes this is in an unknown territory. Sometimes it's so close and you just didn't pay attention to it.
For whom is this training?
Only for couples who have the desire and the willingness to explore and deepen their relationship.
Teachers during the training
Katrien Laurens
co-founder of Life Projects
The urge to help people guided her to an education of nurse, but after 15 years of working in a hospital she clashed with the structure and mentality in the job.
Dirk is a traditional and at the same time modern alchemist. Free from the limitations of religion and the illusions of the world and with the power and freedom of the original spiritual wisdom.