FREE Online Facebook Live - 26 October 19:00/20:00
In times where the structure of society and even of the world seems to fall apart, spiritual matters seem to be a luxury. More and more people cannot even warm their house, or buy enough food, so why bother with something like ‘Alchemy’? This would be a legitimate question if I would be talking about some kind of ‘feel-good’ spirituality. But in this case, it is about understanding and applying the fundamental ‘laws of life’. Or as the word ‘Al-chemy’ shows us: ‘the chemistry of All’, meaning ‘how life works’. I believe that this becomes even more important during challenging times. Threatening situations create contraction. This contraction can either lead to fear or bring you to your core. The first option creates a fight and flight response, the second one gives us deep inner strength and allows us to deal with the whole situation in a much more clear and efficient way.
But what is our core? The core can be seen as “the point in the circle”. The main symbol in the Alchemy lineage I am teaching from. This point is the principle of ‘The one’ in relation to ‘The All’, as a human attempt to describe the ultimate nameless. In us humans, this core can be expressed through our ‘mind’, our ‘soul’ and our ‘body’. These 3 have an entirely different function and yet they are deeply connected through a law called ‘the Triple Unity’. Most spiritual and religious practices focus on the first 2, forgetting or denying the ‘body-core’. But when looking at our current collective human condition, it is the body-core that we need most. While the ‘mind-core’ brings us clarity of mind and the ‘soul-core’ a more virtuous life, the ‘body-core’ is the source of vitality and embodiment.
In my experience ‘the core’ is the most valuable aspect to add to the lives of modern living people. It brings an ease in your spiritual development and closes the gap between spiritual life and the worldly life. Because Alchemy brings the ‘science of spirituality’ and the ‘spirit of science’ together.
What I will share during this talk:
What is the core and what makes it so valuable?
A meditation that gives you an experience of the 3 manifestations of the core (mind, soul, body).
How to ‘live from the core’, meaning how to apply this in day-to-day life.
Dirk is a traditional and at the same time modern alchemist. Free from the limitations of religion and the illusions of the world and with the power and freedom of the original spiritual wisdom.